Patrick Cohn

How to Assess Your Game After Losing Matches

Dealing with Cheaters During a Tennis Match

Take Advantage of Opportunities to Grow Your Game What are your thoughts after losing in straight sets by a top ranked opponent? Do you feel overwhelmed or embarrassed? Do you pick apart your game and become demoralized? While most tennis players feel crushed after being dominated on the

Stay Mentally Tough During Matches

Mind Game in Tennis

Use Mental Toughness to Fight Through Challenges On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your mental toughness? How often do you work on mental toughness? Regularly, occasionally, rarely, or never? A large component of your performance is grounded in mental toughness. Mental toughness is your ability

Have Consistent Trust in Your Tennis Game

Better to Maintain than Regain

How To Stay In The Game Mentally Do you have trust in your game when you are playing a tennis match? Do you trust your skills and abilities when you are losing a match? It’s one thing to trust your game when you feel good before a match