Patrick Cohn

How Does Sharapova Deal with Defeat?

Developing a Mission Statement in Tennis

If you’re watching Wimbledon this year, you know that a lot of top players have gotten knocked out of the tournament early–including Maria Sharapova, who lost in the second round. Sharapova lost to Michelle Larcher de Brito in two sets: 6-3, 6-4. How does Sharapova deal with defeat?

Tennis Podcast: Do You Get Frustrated When You Can’t Master a Stroke?

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Overcoming Frustration When Learning New Strokes In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews Florian Meier, a high performance tennis coach and founder of Dr. Cohn and Florian answer a question from a tennis parent: “During practice, my daughter gets

Tennis Podcast: Do You “Fold” Under Pressure in Tennis

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Confidence in Tennis In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from a tennis grandmother who says: “I have two grandchildren (10 years & 11 years) who are potentially very good tennis players but easily “fold ” when