Tennis Psychology Articles

Tennis mindset and sports psychology articles and strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Tennis Podcast: Working With a Mental Coach to Improve Confidence

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Confidence With Mental Training In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis player about how to improve confidence by working with a trained professional. She wants to know what she can gain from one on

Mental Toughness in Tennis: Lessons from Serena Williams

Tennis Psychology

Are You Mentally Tough? Can an injury help an athlete develop mental toughness? No, an injury cannot help you develop mental toughness, but learning to respond appropriately can help improve your mental game. When you compete, you must learn to overcome challenges and persevere. This helps you reach

Djokovic: Lose Focus And You Lose the Set

Tennis Psychology

Staying Focused in Each Set Has a coach ever implored you to concentrate? Have you ever been told that you would be a better player if only you learned to improve your concentration? Have you ever been told exactly what concentration is or how to improve it? Most