Tennis Psychology Articles

Tennis mindset and sports psychology articles and strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Tennis Confidence: A Formula for Success

Tennis Confidence

Succeed in Tennis With Confidence Last week I posted about how to know when you need a mental game overhaul or just a tune up… I wanted to answer a few questions players have about improving their mental game of tennis with my new “Tennis Confidence” Program… Why is

Tennis Podcast: Boosting Tennis Confidence

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Staying Confident Against Top Players Welcome to session number twenty one of The Tennis Psychology Podcast. Dr. Patrick Cohn at Sports Psychology for Tennis, is a mental game of tennis expert and helps tournament players, tennis coaches and parents improve confidence, focus, and composure using sports psychology strategies.

Mental Game of Tennis Tune Up or Overhaul?

Tennis Psychology

Tune Up Your Game or Uverhaul It? Do you need a mental game tune up or complete overhaul? Today, I’ll explain how you know this. A powerful mental game is critical to your success on the court…. In fact, many of the top players in the world believe

Tennis Confidence Audio And Workbook Program

Tennis Confidence

Tennis Confidence Program What’s the key to playing your best tennis? Superior talent? Great coaching? tons of quality practice? Unrelenting determination? All of these are key, but they can only take you so far with your game. After which, you must master the secrets to a powerful mental

The Real Culprit to Tension in Tennis

Tennis Psychology

Are you Playing Tense? Do your strokes feel controlled or tight in competition compared to practice? If so, I have an important tip for you today… I wanted to follow up with you on my last post by highlighting a recent question I received from a tennis player: Question:

Trust: Mental Toughness for Tennis Players

Tennis Psychology

Trusting Your Skills in Tennis How much practice time do you think about technique and how to hit good shots? In Tennis Confidence video 1, I discussed the “academy mindset” and how young tennis players get trapped into a training mentality, which can lead to choking in matches.