Tennis Psychology

Tennis psychology podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Tennis Podcast: Does Your Stroke Distract You in Matches?

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Are You Distracted By How Your Stroke Looks? In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis player who becomes distracted by the look of his forehand when he sees his shadow on the court. Dr. Cohn

How To Improve Your Tennis Through Decision Making Training

Tennis sychology

Improving Decision Making in Tennis Do you have quick reactions during tennis matches or do you find yourself trying to think your way through a match? Many tennis players will over-think and second guess themselves throughout a tennis match. Think of a time when you were playing and

Do Tennis Players Benefit From Superstitions Or Routines?

Tennis Mental Game

Developing a Preshot Routine Do you have any superstitions regarding your tennis play? Do you have a prematch routine you follow before tennis matches? Do you know the difference between superstitions and prematch routines? In the world of tennis, players engage in various rituals, routines and superstitions. Often

Take Control Of Your Thinking During Matches

Confidence Against Rivals

Overcoming Internal Distractions in Matches Do you have drastic fluctuations in tennis matches due to distracting thoughts? Do you find it difficult to just play your game and focus on your tennis? Your mindset during tennis matches is critical for achieving peak performance. Mindset is how you approach