Tennis Psychology

Tennis psychology podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Why Do Players Perform Better in Practice?

Video of The Week

Why Do Players Under Perform in Matches? Do you play like a star in practice or practice matches, but then under perform in competition due to a lack of confidence or poor focus? In my new tennis confidence video series, I’ll discuss: The top five mental game reasons

Tennis Podcast: Focus and the Zone

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Boosting Focus to Get in The Zone Many tennis players want to improve their focus and achieve peak performance. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to boost your focus and get in the zone more often. Dr. Cohn teaches you the mental strategies to improve your focus on match

5 Tips to Improve Federer’s Mental Game

Tennis Psychology

How Can Federer Improve His Mental Game? What’s a better mindset for Federer that will help him win again against Nadal after his demoralizing, heartfelt loses in the Australian Open? I’m revisiting the psychology of tennis lessons we learned from the Australian Open finals. The momentum shifts of

Tennis Podcast: Staying Confident After Errors

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Overcoming Mistakes in Tennis Many tennis players lose confidence after making mistakes.. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to bounce back quickly after mistakes. Dr. Cohn teaches you the mental keys to stay confident after mistakes.  You’ll have to accept mistakes and move onto the next point.

Nadal’s Mental Game: Believe in the Win

Tennis Psychology

Having Confidence That You Can Win OK, I keep thinking about the Nadal-Federer match up. As I said in a previous article, the finals at the Australian Open were filled with tennis psychology gems. I talked about how Nadal knew who he was before the match and it

Nadal’s Mental Toughness: Know Who You Are

Tennis Psychology

Do You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself? I love the psychology of tennis during big tournaments. The momentum shifts of a final match, such as Federer and Nadal in the 2009 Australian Open, are so fun to watch. Most tennis fans see the shots and strategy, but