Tennis Psychology

Tennis psychology podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

3 Reasons You Underperform in Matches

Tennis Psychology

Boosting Confidence in Tennis Many tennis players – junior, club, and professional – have asked the same question in my recent tennis psychology survey for players, coaches, and sports parents. So I need to clear up something… Several players want to know how tennis psychology strategies or the

Tennis Psychology Video for Junior Players

Video of The Week

Helping Young Players Remember Mental Game Lessons I like the following tennis psychology video for two reasons… Coach Dinoffer talks about how competitive juniors can improve their mental game of tennis by using on-court reminds to be positive, smile, and play one point at a time. It is a great

Tennis Kids Just Want to Have Fun

Tennis Psychology

Motivating Kids in Tennis OK, my daughter – age 10 – and I were practicing this week to prepare for a local USTA tournament. I got frustrated one day with her lack of motivation and inability to focus during practice. My philosophy: Do it right or don’t do it

The Inner Game of Tennis Mindset

How to Rebound After an Injury

The inner game of tennis is a wonderful lesson in sports psychology for tennis players. Timothy Gallwey wrote the “Inner Game of Tennis” many years ago and it was a groundbreaking book at the time in tennis instruction and sports psychology. You should read the inner game of tennis if