Tennis Psychology

Tennis psychology podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Agassi: Tennis Confidence in Tough Times

Video of The Week

Staying Confident During Tough Matches On the psychology of tennis, Agassi says your opponent has to react to what you do on the court. You have to find a way to impose your will over your opponent. You have to find your way to impose your will, but it’s not easy,

8 Sports Psychology Tips for Tennis Parents

Coping with Bad Season

Tennis parents have a big impact on their young tennis players mental health. A healthy and successful experience in tournament tennis depends on tennis parents’ ability to instill confidence and positive mental game skills in young athletes. In this article, I discuss 8 tips for tennis parents to

Does Perfectionism Cause You to Choke?

Tennis Psychology

Many tennis players who are perfectionistic about their approach to tennis choke under tournament pressure. Perfectionism can hold them back from reaching their potential because they become tight, anxious, and over-control their performance. Don’t get me wrong. There are some advantages of perfectionism such as having a strong