Tennis Choking

Tennis choking podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Melanie Oudin’s Weapon: Mental Toughness

Tennis Psychology

Improving Your Tennis Mental Toughness Is 17 year old Melanie Oudin the real deal? Most experts, such as Brad Gilbert think so. Read on to discover her biggest weapon… I’m sure you’ve heard about Melanie Oudin’s remarkable 3-set wins in which she made big-time comebacks against a few

Trust: Mental Toughness for Tennis Players

Tennis Psychology

Trusting Your Skills in Tennis How much practice time do you think about technique and how to hit good shots? In Tennis Confidence video 1, I discussed the “academy mindset” and how young tennis players get trapped into a training mentality, which can lead to choking in matches.

7 Reasons Tennis Players Choke in Matches

Tennis Psychology

Why Do Players Choke in Matches? Do you have trouble performing as well in matches as you do in practice? Are you losing to players who you should beat? Or, do you get so frustrated after mistakes that it affects your game for several points? Many players have