Tennis Coaching

Tennis coaching and sport psychology podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Tennis Podcast: How To Improve Consistency

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Mental Consistency Welcome to session number thirty one of The Tennis Psychology Podcast. Dr. Patrick Cohn at Sports Psychology for Tennis, is a mental game of tennis expert and helps tournament players, tennis coaches and parents improve confidence, focus, and composure using sports psychology strategies. In this week’s

Why Do Players Perform Better in Practice?

Video of The Week

Why Do Players Under Perform in Matches? Do you play like a star in practice or practice matches, but then under perform in competition due to a lack of confidence or poor focus? In my new tennis confidence video series, I’ll discuss: The top five mental game reasons

5 Reasons Tennis Players Choke in Matches

Tennis Psychology

Why Do Players Under Perform? What’s the number one mental game skill tennis players want to learn about? According to my tennis psychology survey, you and other tennis players want to learn how to play as well in matches as you do in practice. I was not surprised…

Mental Game of Tennis Interview with Dr. Cohn

Tennis Psychologist

Tennis Podcast Interviews With Dr. Cohn Kevin McClure, Director of Tennis at Sport Fit recently interviewed me on the Tennis Podcast Show. Kevin and I discussed a wide range of tennis psychology topics and the importance mental toughness in tennis. Coach Keven asked some excellent tennis psychology questions about how I teach the

Tennis Coaches Who Neglect Inner Game

Tennis Psychology

Mental Training in Tennis Mental training for tennis might not be for every player or coach. If you don’t take lessons to improve technique or if you don’t care about your fitness for tennis, then you probably won’t care to improve your mental game for tennis either. Mental