Tennis Concentration

Tennis concentration podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Lessons From Andy Murray’s Mental Meltdown At Australian Open

Tennis Psychology

Mental Training to Stay Focused At the 2015 Australian Open, Andy Murray suffered one of his biggest psychological meltdowns in his career during the final match… Murray was defeated by Novak Djokovic 7-6, 6-7, 6-3, 6-0 losing 12 of the last 13 games. What happened to the fourth-ranked

How To Maintain Focus When Leading In A Match

Tennis Psychology

Mental Strategies to Stay Focused Have you ever lost a tennis match after leading by a set or lost a set after being up 4-1? Recall a match where you had a significant lead only to unravel and lose the match… You were probably just playing the game

Djokovic: Lose Focus And You Lose the Set

Tennis Psychology

Staying Focused in Each Set Has a coach ever implored you to concentrate? Have you ever been told that you would be a better player if only you learned to improve your concentration? Have you ever been told exactly what concentration is or how to improve it? Most