Tennis Intimidation

Tennis psychology and intimidation podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Tennis Podcast: Fear of Failure in Tennis

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Overcoming Fear of Failure In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, author of Tennis Confidence: Mental Toughness for Tournament Players, answers a question from a tennis player who has a fear of letting himself down. His fears distract him from performing

Did Federer Psych Out Murray?

Foginini's Mental Game

Was Murray Nervous to Play Federer? Was too much read into his comments? Did he really psych out Murray with his comments? Did Murray play tight in the first set? Based on Murray’s first serve percent in the first set, you can conclude he played tight and controlled

Tennis Podcast: Fear of Your Opponents

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Playing Opponents With Confidence Welcome to session number twenty seven of The Tennis Psychology Podcast. Dr. Patrick Cohn at Sports Psychology for Tennis, is a mental game of tennis expert and helps tournament players, tennis coaches and parents improve confidence, focus, and composure using sports psychology strategies. In

Don’t Compare Your Ranking to Opponent’s

Tennis Mental Game

Comparing Rankings Creates Expectations After working with several junior tennis players on their mental game, I’ve noticed that players limit their success when they focus on opponent rankings or tournament seeding. As you might already know, comparing your tennis skills to an opponent is a mental game no-no