Tennis Psychologist

Tennis psychologist podcasts and articles. Learn strategies for junior to professional tennis players to improve mental performance.

Mental Game of Tennis Tune Up or Overhaul?

Tennis Psychology

Tune Up Your Game or Uverhaul It? Do you need a mental game tune up or complete overhaul? Today, I’ll explain how you know this. A powerful mental game is critical to your success on the court…. In fact, many of the top players in the world believe

Nadal’s Mental Toughness: Know Who You Are

Tennis Psychology

Do You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself? I love the psychology of tennis during big tournaments. The momentum shifts of a final match, such as Federer and Nadal in the 2009 Australian Open, are so fun to watch. Most tennis fans see the shots and strategy, but

Sharapova: How To Learn From Losing

Tennis Psychology

How Does Sharapova Deal With Losing? Winning is important for many tennis players. Winning can become so important that tennis players focus too much on winning during the match. Thinking too much about the outcome distracts players from the present moment and can be a source of stress. For example,

Tennis Kids Just Want to Have Fun

Tennis Psychology

Motivating Kids in Tennis OK, my daughter – age 10 – and I were practicing this week to prepare for a local USTA tournament. I got frustrated one day with her lack of motivation and inability to focus during practice. My philosophy: Do it right or don’t do it