Overcoming Frustration When Learning New Strokes

In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews Florian Meier, a high performance tennis coach and founder of www.onlinetennisinstruction.com.
Dr. Cohn and Florian answer a question from a tennis parent:
“During practice, my daughter gets frustrated when she doesn’t get things 100% right after 2 hours. Yesterday for example she was practicing her topspin serve which is very difficult for a 14 year old, and to be honest with you it is a proper top spin second serve not half slice. With anything she is very persistent and gets frustrated when she can’t get it right. Impress peers, measure themselves against the best form.“
Listen to this month’s tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your or your players’ performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.
- Download the the tennis psychology podcast #110.
- Download a free tennis psychology report to improve your tennis mindset between points.
- Improve Your Mental Toughness for Tennis Quickly with Dr. Cohn’s new Tennis Confidence Audio Program
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Related Tennis Psychology Articles
- Be Aware of the Signs That You’re Frustrated
- What to do When Frustrated During Matches
- Helping Tennis Players Who Get Frustrated and Tank
- Download our a FREE Tennis Psychology Report
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Improve Your Mental Game for Tennis
Tennis Confidence 2.0

“Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players” is an audio and workbook program to help tennis players, coaches, and instructors improve the mental game of tennis is just 10 easy to learn sessions. Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players Audio and Workbook program is ideal for any junior, collegiate, and tour professional player. Tennis coaches and instructors would also be wise to teach the strategies “Tennis Confidence.”
Tennis Confidence is a complete mental training program developed Peak Performance Sports. You learn the same strategies Dr. Cohn teaches his tennis players to help them improve mental toughness and consistency – from managing unrealistic expectations to coping with perfectionism.
Read more about Tennis Confidence Program>>