Playing Difficult Tennis Opponents

In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers:
A question from a tennis parent whose player has difficulty playing against serious or “unfair” competitors.
Dr. Cohn gives mental game tips on how to improve confidence in tennis.
Listen to this month’s tennis psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in tennis and other mental game barriers that limit your performance.
COHN: “Do you have a young tennis player that can’t deal with opponents that appear to be very serious or unfair on the other side of the court? I answer a question from Dan, who has a young tennis player who plays with great confidence but only when the opponent appears to be nice and fair.”
COHN: “I do think this is an issue for young female players who tend to be people-pleasers, they tend to want their opponents to like them, or they maybe have some type of fear of embarrassment issues. Which basically means that your daughter might be too tuned in to the other girl’s feelings and maybe takes it personally when her opponent is being really competitive or focused out there. She would probably interpret that as the girl is being really serious or mean with her.”
Listen to the audio below to hear how Dr. Cohn would address this issue:
- Download a free tennis psychology report to improve your tennis mindset between points.
- Improve Your Mental Toughness for Tennis Quickly with Dr. Cohn’s new Tennis Confidence Audio Program
- Subscribe to The Tennis Psychology Podcast at iTunes!
Related Tennis Psychology Articles
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- Download our a FREE Tennis Psychology Report
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Improve Your Mental Game for Tennis
Tennis Confidence 2.0

“Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players” is an audio and workbook program to help tennis players, coaches, and instructors improve the mental game of tennis is just 10 easy to learn sessions. Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players Audio and Workbook program is ideal for any junior, collegiate, and tour professional player. Tennis coaches and instructors would also be wise to teach the strategies “Tennis Confidence.”
Tennis Confidence is a complete mental training program developed Peak Performance Sports. You learn the same strategies Dr. Cohn teaches his tennis players to help them improve mental toughness and consistency – from managing unrealistic expectations to coping with perfectionism.
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