Focus in Tennis

Focus skills in tennis for players. Articles for tournament tennis players, coaches, and sports parents to improve mental game performance.

Djokovic: Lose Focus And You Lose the Set

Tennis Psychology

Staying Focused in Each Set Has a coach ever implored you to concentrate? Have you ever been told that you would be a better player if only you learned to improve your concentration? Have you ever been told exactly what concentration is or how to improve it? Most

Djokovic Overcomes Mental Battle to Win

Confidence Against Rivals

Overcoming Mental Game Challenges A hallmark of championship athletes is their ability to recognize the mental barriers that limit their performance. Three years after winning his first grand slam title at the Australian Open in 2008, Novak Djokovic’s hoisted the Norman Brooks Challenge Cup for the second time,

Rodger Federer’s Match Focus

Tennis Psychology

How Do You Know When You’re in The Zone? The zone is a state of supreme focus that help athletes perform at their peak when they become totally immersed into their performance. Athletes depict the zone in many ways, such as the driver merges with the car; the tennis

Tennis Podcast: Focusing During Practice

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Focus While Playing Many tennis players struggle with keeping the same level of intensity in practice as in matches. Some players have a hard time staying focused during practice. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to keep your focus in practice and in matches. Dr. Cohn teaches you