Mental Game of Tennis

Mental game of tennis tips and articles for tennis players, coaches, and sports parents to improve performance.

Tennis Podcast: Mental Game and Technique

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Your Technique in Tennis Welcome to session number 13 of The Tennis Psychology Podcast. Dr. Patrick Cohn at Sports Psychology for Tennis, is a mental game of tennis expert and helps tournament players, tennis coaches and parents improve confidence, focus, and composure using sports psychology strategies. In

Don’t Compare Your Ranking to Opponent’s

Tennis Mental Game

Comparing Rankings Creates Expectations After working with several junior tennis players on their mental game, I’ve noticed that players limit their success when they focus on opponent rankings or tournament seeding. As you might already know, comparing your tennis skills to an opponent is a mental game no-no

Tennis Podcast: Do Kids Embrace Mental Training?

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Mental Training For Young Athletes Some young tennis players aren’t convinced about the importance of the mental game. That can be a challenge for sports parents and coaches, who find the mental game an important part of performance. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to help your young tennis

Mardy Fish Wins Ugly to Capture Third Title

Tennis sychology

Playing in Adverse Weather Conditions Mardy Fish captured his third ATP title beating Evgeny Korolev 7-5, 6-3 at the Delray Beach International Championships on Sunday. In the past, Fish struggled to come home with the win when he got the to the finals. Fish has reached 10 finals

Tennis Podcast: More Focus on Every Point

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Staying Confident After Each Point Many tennis players have a difficult time staying focused consistently point after point. They may make an unforced error, get frustrated or think about the consequences of losing. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to stay focused on every point you play. Dr. Cohn teaches you the

Why Do Players Perform Better in Practice?

Video of The Week

Why Do Players Under Perform in Matches? Do you play like a star in practice or practice matches, but then under perform in competition due to a lack of confidence or poor focus? In my new tennis confidence video series, I’ll discuss: The top five mental game reasons