Tennis Mental Game

Tennis Confidence: A Formula for Success

Tennis Confidence

Succeed in Tennis With Confidence Last week I posted about how to know when you need a mental game overhaul or just a tune up… I wanted to answer a few questions players have about improving their mental game of tennis with my new “Tennis Confidence” Program… Why is

Mental Game of Tennis Tune Up or Overhaul?

Tennis Psychology

Tune Up Your Game or Uverhaul It? Do you need a mental game tune up or complete overhaul? Today, I’ll explain how you know this. A powerful mental game is critical to your success on the court…. In fact, many of the top players in the world believe

Tennis Podcast: Boost Confidence in Juniors

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Boosting Self-Confidence in Young Players Many young tennis players lack self-confidence in their game. In this psychology session, you’ll learn: How Dr. Cohn helps sports parents and coaches improve their tennis players’ confidence. Dr. Cohn teaches you how to boost tennis confidence in your young athletes. You’ll have to

Tennis Confidence vs. Match Confidence

Tennis Psychology

Taking Practice Confidence to Matches Do you play tennis with a ton of confidence in practice, but have trouble taking your practice game to matches? If so, you are not alone. Many of my players are more comfortable in their practice routines than in matches. They lose trust

Tennis Podcast: Focusing During Practice

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Improving Focus While Playing Many tennis players struggle with keeping the same level of intensity in practice as in matches. Some players have a hard time staying focused during practice. In this week’s tennis psychology session, you’ll learn: How to keep your focus in practice and in matches. Dr. Cohn teaches you

5 Reasons Tennis Players Choke in Matches

Tennis Psychology

Why Do Players Under Perform? What’s the number one mental game skill tennis players want to learn about? According to my tennis psychology survey, you and other tennis players want to learn how to play as well in matches as you do in practice. I was not surprised…