Tennis Psychologist Articles

Tennis psychologist for tennis players. Articles for tournament tennis players, coaches, and sports parents to improve mental game performance.

Tennis Podcast: Bring Confidence To Tournaments

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Do You Choke in Tournaments? In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from a sports parent whose daughter performs well in practice, but chokes in tournaments. He wants to know which tennis psychology audio/workbook program would help her.

Nadal’s Mental Toughness: Know Who You Are

Tennis Psychology

Do You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself? I love the psychology of tennis during big tournaments. The momentum shifts of a final match, such as Federer and Nadal in the 2009 Australian Open, are so fun to watch. Most tennis fans see the shots and strategy, but

Tennis Kids Just Want to Have Fun

Tennis Psychology

Motivating Kids in Tennis OK, my daughter – age 10 – and I were practicing this week to prepare for a local USTA tournament. I got frustrated one day with her lack of motivation and inability to focus during practice. My philosophy: Do it right or don’t do it