tennis psychology

Tennis Podcast: Does Your Player Tense Up When Serving?

Tennis Psychology Podcast

In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis parent whose player is tense when she is at the service line. She wants to know how help her daughter serve more relaxed. Dr. Cohn gives mental game

Tennis Podcast: Helping Young Players With Composure

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Does Your Tennis Player Need Help With Composure? In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis parent whose daughter gets emotionally upset during matches and blames poor play on changes that were made during practice. Dr.

Tennis Podcast: Does Your Stroke Distract You in Matches?

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Are You Distracted By How Your Stroke Looks? In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis player who becomes distracted by the look of his forehand when he sees his shadow on the court. Dr. Cohn

Tennis Podcast: Assessing Players’ Mental Toughness

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Can You Assess An Athlete’s Mental Toughness In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis player who wants to know how to assess an athlete’s mental toughness. Dr. Cohn gives mental game tips on how to

Tennis Podcast: Losing Motivation in Tennis

Tennis Psychology Podcast

Has Your Tennis Player Lost Motivation For Playing? In this week’s tennis psychology podcast, mental game of tennis expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn answers: A question from a tennis parent whose daughter has lost her passion for tennis. Dr. Cohn gives mental game tips on how to improve confidence