Tennis Psychology Video for Junior Players

Helping Young Players Remember Mental Game Lessons

I like the following tennis psychology video for two reasons…

Coach Dinoffer talks about how competitive juniors can improve their mental game of tennis by using on-court reminds to be positive, smile, and play one point at a time.

It is a great idea to help your tennis kids remember the important mental game lessons they’ve learned while in the middle of a match.

The other tennis psychology tip I like has to do with practice and learning.

He says you should have your kids write notes about what they learned in each practice. Another great mental game tip for tennis players!

I actually did a tennis video summary with my daughter’s coach and her at the end of a lesson. I made the video only 4 minutes long so she could review it easily.

Tennis kids do not remember everything their told. Anyway, you can improve retention is a bonus for practice and the mental game of tennis!

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1 thought on “Tennis Psychology Video for Junior Players”

  1. p.s. I’ll be posting more tennis psychology videos soon. You can leave
    your suggestions for future “inner game” tennis videos here…

    Patrick Cohn

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